Exchange Rate Service exposing an API, which can be consumed by a frontend application.
Java 8 REST API Spring Boot Swagger Lombok Docker container Maria DB Maven
To build and run --> mvn install -DskipTests
To create and start docker container --> docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate -t 0
Now application is up and running .
Swagger URL -- http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html#
BASE_CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE --> to keep base currency exchange rate
CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_REQUEST_HISTORY -->to keep currency exchange request history
Use below endpoints
[API-1]POST - http://localhost:8081/exchangeService/convertCurrencies
Request Body :- { "fromCurrency": "EUR", "toCurrency": "USD", "amount": 20 }
[API-2] GET - http://localhost:8081/exchangeService/baseExchangeRate/JPY/ [API-3] GET - http://localhost:8081/exchangeService/derivedExchangeRate/USD/JPY/ [API-4] GET - http://localhost:8081/exchangeService/publicLink [API-5] GET - http://localhost:8081/exchangeService/exchangeHistory
To access DB use Hedis SQL with below credenials - Hostname/IP: localhost port: 3306 User: user password: user
To kill container after use - Docker-compose down
Base currency will always EUR. Conversion between other currencies will happen based of base rate of these concurrencies with EUR.
Code coverage and improving design part Jenkins PCF integrations