This app will help prospective customers find where the truck is located and see what the truck offers. It will allow them to order their food online and pick it up. In addition to a locating a stop near the user.
When users first visit the site, they will see my food truck title. They will also be able to see the truck and search a location in the footer area to see if their is a location near them.
When they click in the upper right hand corner, the user will see the about us and view menu. The about us section explains the truck being founded, information about who the truck targets as well as comments from previous customers. They can even post one themselves.
On the view menu, they can select items while their cart runs a total on the right hand side. They can change the quantity on in the cart, add and delete items too. Once they are finished, they can check out and the total will rollover to the check out section.
In the form they will be asked to provide their name, address, credit card, and allergies. They can also pick the date and time they plan on picking up their order. Once they hit submit, they information they entered will come up in a modal, to double check everything is right. They will be asked to provide a photo so we know who is picking up the order, to prevent confusion and messed up orders.
I struggled with the shopping cart, I could not seem to get my total to run in localStorage while adding and subtracting items in my cart. Once I figured out I could create a function that includes all the products it made it simpler to create the shopping cart and running total on the button. I was not sure I could do it in a way that made sense to the user, without too much confusion.
Then I had to figure out how to clear localStorage once they submitted their order AND returning to the home page. I was overthinking it, and ended up using an onclick to clear localstorage and linking to the home page.