- 2024.05.04: csv files are now available
- Initially, I was crawling the CS papers uploaded to arxiv every week for our research group. Later, I found that everyone seemed to need it, so I simply opened a repository.
- Generally speaking, I update all the CS Arxiv papers for the week every Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (I don't know how long I can keep it up, I've been intermittently organizing these thing for a year).
- If you like it, you can give me a star or a fork to support.
- My research focus on LLM Evaluation, and the research group I lead mainly involve in LLM Evaluation, LLM Application, and LLM-based Agent. You're welcome to check my Google Scholar. And if you are interested in our research, you are welcome to communicate with us: [email protected]
- If you have any ideas for improvement for this repository or my research or something else, you are also welcome to leave me a message in the issue of this repositories.
- 本来就是我自己给我们研究组每周爬爬arxiv上传的CS paper,后来发现大家好像都有需求,就索性开个仓库。
- 为了方便我自己浏览,我把paper title用baidu翻译给翻成了中文(英语差)
- 一般来说,是每周五、六、日更新这一周的所有CS Arxiv论文(我也不知道我能坚持多久,之前断断续续整理了一年的内容)。
- 如果大家喜欢的话,可以给个小小的star或者fork支持一下
- 如果我当周没有更新的话,也可以去我知乎账号那边催我一下
- 主业是做LLM Evaluation的,带的研究组是做LLM Evaluation、LLM Application、Agent相关的内容。你可以去看看我的Google Scholar,有兴趣的话也欢迎找我们交流:[email protected]
- 有什么改进的idea,也欢迎在issue处给我留言
author = {Zhouhong Gu},
title = {CS arxiv everyweek},
year = {2023},
publisher = {Github},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/MikeGu721/CS_arxiv_everyweek}}