Sublime Text 2 plugin for creating new Gists from selected text and get the gist list
Go to your Packages subdirectory under Sublime Text 2 data directory:
- Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2
- OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2
- Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-2
- Portable Installation: Sublime Text 2/Data
Then clone this repository:
git clone git://
If you're using OS X and have a keychain entry for, no configuration is needed. Otherwise, copy the Gist.sublime-settings
file from Packages/Gist to Packages/User sub-directory and edit:
"username": ""
You need to enter your GitHub username here
"password": ""
You need to enter your GitHub password here
"https_proxy": http://user:pass@proxy:port
You can enter https proxy here Format: "http://user:pass@proxy:port"
Create a public gist:
From menu items:
- Main menu: Tools -> Gist -> "Create Public Gist"
- Context menu: "Create Public Gist"
By command called "Gist (public): Create from Selected Text"
There is a key bindings:
- Windows and Linux: "ctrl+k", "ctrl+i"
- OS X: "super+k", "super+i"
Create a private gist:
From menu items:
- Main menu: Tools -> Gist -> "Create Private Gist"
- Context menu: "Create Private Gist"
By command called "Gist (private): Create from Selected Text".
There is a key bindings:
- Windows and Linux: "ctrl+k", "ctrl+l"
- OS X: "super+k", "super+l"
Open gist:
From menu items:
- Main menu: Tools -> Gist -> "Open Gist..."
By command called "Gist: Open Gist".
There is a key bindings:
- Windows and Linux: "ctrl+shift+g"
- OS X: "ctrl+super+g"
Insert gist:
From menu items:
- Main menu: Tools -> Gist -> "Insert Gist..."
By command called "Gist: Insert Gist".
There is a key bindings:
- Windows and Linux: "ctrl+shift+alt+g"
- OS X: "ctrl+shift+super+g"