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VIM notes

Following document illustrates my most used vim commands.

Vim / Neovim basic commands


Command Function
Esc Normal mode
Esc-i Insert mode
Esc-v Visual mode
Esc-V Visual row mode
Esc-CTRL-v Visual block mode
Esc-R Enters replace mode (Overwrites under cursor)

Cursor movements

Command Function
hjkl Move cursor left, down, up, right
w Move forward to the beginning of a word
e Move to the end of a word
b Move backward to the beginning of a word
3w Move forwards three words (beginning of a word)
3e Move forwards three workds (end of a word)
3b Move backwards three words
0 Cursor to the beginning of line
$ Move to end end of the line
) Jump forward one sentence
( Jump backward one sentence
} Jump forward one paragraph
{ Jump backward a paragraph
j Jump forward one line
10j Jump forward 10 lines
k Jump backward one line
10k Jump backward 10 lines
H Jump to the top of the screen
M Jump to the middle of the screen
L Jump to bottom of screen
CTRL-f Scroll forward one screen
CTRL-b Scroll backward one screen
CTRL-d Scroll forward half screen
CTRL-u Scroll backward half screen
G (n) Move cursor to EOF
gg (n) Move cursor to top of file
nG Go to given line n
z ENTER Move current line to top of screen and scroll
z. Move current line t center of screen and scroll
z- Move current line to bottom of screen and scroll
Enter Move to first character of next line
j$ Put the cursor at the end of next line


Command Function
i Inserts text at the left to cursor
a Inserts text at the right to cursor
I Insert at the start of the current line
A Insert at the end of the current line
o Insert a line below current line
O Insert a line above the current line
s (cl) Delete character under cursor and start insert
S (cc) Delete all text line and start insert at beg of line
C (c$) Delete everything right to the cursor and insert
cw Delete to the end of word and start inserting
ce Delete rest of the word under and right to cursor
ciw Delete a word and insert
rx Replace the character under the cursor with 'x'
u Undo
U Undo all edits on a row
CTRL-r Redo
J Joins the current line with the line below
CTRL-v shift I Enter text in block mode
ea Move cursor to end of word and edit
z= Spell suggestions (in markdown)
<C-V><C-I> Select block and insert into block
gq Select with <Shift-v> and gq will wrap line
viw Select word under cursor

Cut, copy and paste

Command Function
y Yank character
yaw Yank a word
yw Yank word
y3w Yank three words
yy Yanks whole line
1,10y Yanks row 1 - 10
d Cut text
dd Cut whole line
P Put before cursor
p Put after cursor
jk (v) Select lines up or down in visual mode
CTRL-V Paste from clipboard
"*y Copy to clipboard


Command Function
d Delete operator
dw Delete a word (cursor needs to be at beg of word)
de Delete a word
daw Delete a word (irrespective where cursor is)
d2w Delete 2 words
d4w (n) Deletes 4 words
d4e (n) Deletes 4 words
dd (n) Delete whole line
2dd (n) Delete two lines
d$ Delete the rest of the line - right of the cursor
c$ Delete the rest of the line right from cursor
D (d$) Delete to end of the line
x (dl) Delete character under the cursor
4x Deletes 4 characters
X (dh) Delete character left of the cursor
dG Delete until the end of line
dgg Delete until the start of line
dw then p When you delete, text is saved. Use p for put back

Working with files

Command Function
:w FILENAME Writes the currrent vim file to disk with filename
:w FILENAME (v) Saves the visually selected files in file FILENAME
:r FILENAME Retrieves disk file FILENAME - put below the cursor
:q! Quit and discard cchanges
:w Save changes
:wq Quit and save changes
:qall Quit all
:wall Save changes among all windows
:wqall Save and quit all windows

Window navigation

Command Function
CTRL-w h Move the window to the left
CTRL-w j Move the window to the below
CTRL-w k Move the window to the above
CTRL-w l Move the window to the right
CTRL-6 Toggle between buffers
CTRL-w H Move the window to the left
CTRL-w J Move the window to the below
CTRL-w K Move the window to the above
CTRL-w L Move the window to the right
CTRL-w < Decrease the verticalsize of the current window
CTRL-w > Increase the verticalsize of the current window
CTRL-w = Set sizes equally
C-w + Inrease the size of a window (horizontal)
C-w - Decrease the size of a window
:split file.c Opens up file.c in a new window
:split Horizontal split
:vsplit Verical split
:split Splits screen two windows. Leaves cursor top window
:close Closes a window
:only Closes all window except the one you are in
C-w-w Toggle Window
C-w C-w Jump to other window
C-L Redraw screen

Search functionality

Command Function
/what Search for the word what in document
n (search) Goes to the next search result (Enter first)
N (search Goes to the previous search result (Enter first)
?what Search for the word 'what' in backward direction
C-o (search) Go back stepwise from where you searched
<C-O> Come back to where you came from
C-L Redraws the screen and clears out the marked searches
% (n) Matching parantheses search
:s/old/new To substitute new for the first old in a line type
:s/old/new/g To substitute new for all 'old's on a line type
:#,#s/old/new/g To substitute phrases between two line #'s type
:%s/old/new/g To substitute all occurrences in the file typ
:%s/old/new/gc To ask for confirmation each time add 'c'
:%s/png/jpg Search and replace word png to jpg
:noh Clear out search highlightning
'' Takes you back to beginning from where you searched

Buffer navigation

Command Function
:buffers or :ls View buffer list
:buffer 2 (or name) Edit buffer 2 (or name)
:sbuffer 3 (or name) Open buffer 3 in new window (or name)
:bnext Go to next buffer
:bprevious Go to previous buffer
:bfirst Go to first buffer
:blast Go to last buffer


Command Function
:set backup Let vim create a backupfile
:syntax enable Enbale syntax highlightning
:set filetype if the filetype is '', type highlightning = unknown
:set filetype=fortran Enable fortran highlighting
:set background=dark Dark background - before enable syntax
:set nackground=light Light background - set before enable syntax


Command Function
C-g Show status of file
:!ls runs the ls command in the shell
:somecommand C-d Pops up a completionwindow related to somecommand
. (n) Repeating commands
CTRL-Z Suspend
fg Resume
:!ls Execute the shell command ls


Command Function
zM Close all folds
zR Open all folds
zc Close a certain fold
za Open a certain fold

Recording Macro

Example of recording a macro

  1. qc - record macro c.
  2. Perform command that you want to put in macro
  3. q - End macro recording
  4. @c - perform macro

Plugins and LSP


Please note that there is a lot of options you can pass to packer when you add a plugin. Please see packers GitHub site for specific options.


An implementation of the Popup API from vim in Neovim.


An plugin to autopair (, {, etc.

Command Function
<ALT-e> Insert ( or { and then push <ALT-e>


Arranges buffers nicely in windows. Please note that there are lot of commands that you could add to your keymap here.

vim-bbye - Bbye (Buffer Bye) for Vim

Command Function
:Bdelete Removes file from buffer list, clears options, vars, mappings
:Bwipeout Same as above but it also removes file from jumplist <C-o>

Could be nice to add keymaps for these.


Status line written in lua. Please configure in lualine.lua if you deem it necessary.


Lots of configurations that could be done. Please see Github page or :help indent_blankline.txt


Command Function
s :HopWord
S :HopLine


Peeks lines of the buffer. Just write :300 to peek line 300


Toggle zen-mode with :ZenMode


Smooth scroll functionality. Works with following commands:

Command Function
<C-u> Moves cursor + screen up half page
<C-d> Moves cursor + screen down half page
<C-b> Moves cursor + screen up 1 page
<C-f> Moves cursor + screen down 1 page
<C-y> Moves screen up 1 line
<C-e> Moves screen down 1 line
zz Move current line to middle of screen
zt Move current line to top of screen
zb Move current line to bottom of screen

TODO comments

Color highlighting for comments containing: PERF, HACK, TODO, NOTE, FIX, WARNING

Command Function
:TodoQuickFix Uses the quickfix list to show all todos
:TodoLocList Uses the locationlist to show all todos
:TodoTrouble Lists all to do's in trouble
:TodoTelescope Search trough all the projects with Telescope

Markdown preview

Command Function
:MarkdownPreviewToggle Toggles markdown preview

Vim Table Mode

Enter table mode by pressing <Leader>T and then use | to separate cells.

nvim/cmp - The completion plugin

A completion engine plugin for neovim written in Lua. Completion sources are installed from external repositories and "sourced".


Command Function
gD :lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()
gd :lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()
K :lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()
gi :lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()
<C-K> :lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()
N/A :lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()
gr :lua vim.lsp.buf.references()
N/A :lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()


Command Function
<Leader>e :NvimTreeToggle
a Add file / folder
r Rename file
d Delete file
R Refresh tree
<C-v> Open in vertical split
<C-x> Open in horizontal split
<C-t> Open file in new tab
<TAB> Open file in preview


Command Function
:Format :lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync() (Formats file)
NullLspInfo See which formatters and linters are attched

The formatters are set in the file null-ls.lua in the lsp folder. You might need to adjust M.on_attach = function(client, bufnr) function in the file handlers.lua in the lsp folder.


You can toggle the terminal with the shortcut <C-\>. You can also change the mapping in keymaps.lua In toggleterm.lua, you can also specify whether the window should float, be horizontal or vertical. In this file, you can also configure functions that define whether toggleterm should open a program such as python, htop, etc.

You can also specify or map commands such as :Toggleterm direction=horizontal size=10.


The command :Telescope projects lets you search for projects or within projects. Please note that for javascript projects you should first initiate a project with eslint --init in order for it to work.


Adds a color to the left based on whether a part is not committed, deleted etc.

Example of commands:

Command Function
:Gitsigns preview_hunk
:Gitsigns next_hunk
:Gitsigns blame_line


Example of commands:

Command Function
Telescope find_files Fuzzy finder
Telescope lsp_definitions Same as gd i.e. go to definition
Telescope live_grep Search for text in projects
Telescope lsp_references As gr i.e. shows references to variable
Telescope [] theme=ivy Changes the theme of the window
Telescope [] theme=dropdown Another theme
Telescope media_files Shows mediafiles in your project

Please note that there are a lot of keybindings to Telescope. Please see telescope.lua for more. Please also note that there is different modes for Telescope such as Normal, Insert, etc.

I think <Leader>f is mapped to :Telescope find_files and <Leader>F to :Telescope live_grep


Command Function
gcc Comments marked codeblock


The plugin compe has a really useful feature called Super Tab. If you for example enter a code snippet into your code. Cmp will take you to the first item, for example the function name. After you enter the function name you can press <C-e> and then <TAB> and it will take you to the next entry, for example the first argument in the function.


Command Function
<F2> (n) Rename
<F2> (i) Rename
<c-i> Cursor to start
<c-a> Set cursor to end
<c-e> Set cursor to word end
<c-b> Set cursor to word start
<c-c> Clear line
<c-u> Undo
<c-r> Redo


A tree like view for symbols in Neovim using the Language Server Protocol.

Command Function
:SymbolsOutline Toggles symbols outline
<ESC> Close outline
<Enter> Go to symbol location in code
<o> Go to symbol location in code without losing focus
<C-SPACE> Hoover current symbol
<K> Toggles the current symbol preview
<r> Rename symbol
<a> Code actions
<?> Show help message


Command Function
<ESC> Cancel the preview and get back to your last ...
<q> Close the list
<r> Refresh
<Enter> or <TAB> Jump to diagnostic or open / close fold
<C-x> Open buffer in new split
<C-v> Open buffer in new vertical split
<C-t> Open buffer in new tab
<o> Jump to diagnostic and close the list
<m> Toggle between workspace and document diagnostic mode
<P> Toggle auto preview
<K> Hoover - Opens a popup with a multiline message
<p> Preview the diagnostic location
<zM>, <zm> Close all folds
<zR>, <zr> Open all folds
<zA>, <za> Toggle fold of current line
<k> Previous item
<j> Next item


Notes about Vim and Vim commands






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