- The Netherlands, The Hague
- https://mats.coffee/
- toetmats
- Pro
OpenAudioMc Public
A real time proximity voice chat and music plugin for Minecraft. Doesn't require mods or any user setup.
ServerMappings Public
Forked from LunarClient/ServerMappingsPublic mapping of Minecraft server IPs <-> a pretty display name
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 1, 2023 -
twitch-oauth Public
A simple oauth handler and server for Twitch - GUI oauth in one line of code
Go UpdatedNov 27, 2023 -
storm Public
A stupidly simple Java/MySQL ORM with native Hikaricp, with dialect adaptations for MariaDB and Sqlite
gargs Public
ORM for your CLI. With help menu, default values, and shorthand mappings
flipperzero-wifi-marauder Public
Forked from 0xchocolate/flipperzero-wifi-marauderSimple fork with a button to select all networks within range
C GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 26, 2023 -
Efteling-API Public archive
A non-official Efteling REST API containing rides (and waiting times), shows, restaurants (and their state), photos, translations, and GPS information
ios-shortcuts-html-eval Public
A hacky way to render html responses from ios shortcuts
HTML UpdatedMay 30, 2023 -
plugin-prototype-template Public template
A simple git template to make quick plugin prototyping easier. Boilerplate maven, spigot, and test server.
Shell UpdatedMay 29, 2023 -
i-am-currently Public
To make the tom scott meme, because I don't have photoshop or any of that fancy shit
Go UpdatedMay 13, 2023 -
nzxt-linux-driver Public
WIP Linux driver for the H5 elite led controller. Works by overwriting the linux HID driver, so I can finally game at night without having a lighthouse next to me
city-hunt-game Public archive
A small real-life game where teams have to collect points by claiming physical locations in your town. Includes the web app for the participants and scoreboards.
scrollable-audio Public
A small library to add music to sections of your website. The music will dynamically play/track based on the user viewport as they scroll.
web-gps Public archive
A small library to track distances between your current location and a set of Lat/Lon markers in real-time, from the browser.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
uptime-monitor Public
Forked from upptime/uptime-monitor⬆️📈 Uptime monitor powered by GitHub Actions
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2022 -
openaudio-maven-discord-integration Public
Forked from baked-libs/maven-discord-integrationThis GitHub Action can produce fancy and more meaningful discord messages for your commits. It includes Test results and coverage.
assets Public
Forked from OriginsEnhanced/assets💿 Storage for static asset files used globally across our mods.
UpdatedMar 18, 2022 -
ulia Public
A base library containing a shit ton of Bukkit boilerplate that I use in all my projects
Java UpdatedJan 23, 2022 -
maven-dependency-extractor Public
A simple commandline tool to extract/download maven dependencies from a pom.xml into a directory
OpenAudioMc-Remote Public
Work in progress and proof of concept. A simple windows/mac application to provide extra functionality for streamers.
UpdatedDec 9, 2021 -
PutlicNotes Public
Public notes from lectures and classes, original source material is always mentioned. Feel free to re-use my notes as a summary.
UpdatedNov 19, 2021 -
toothpaste Public
A simple HTML templating engine in Go inspired by Twig. Currently supports Variables, Escaping, If statements, Templating and Functional variables.
craftmend-utils Public
Some utilities I used in craftmend services, purely opensourced to make package managing easier lol
UpdatedOct 29, 2021