This is a git repository for graph optimization package for CS 69 / 169 class at Dartmouth Robotics perception course. Works are coded by Mingi Jeong, 1st year Ph.D. Students in Robotics/Computer Science at Dartmouth. This program was conducted on ROS kinetic and Linux Ubuntu 16.04
I am pleased to take this class taught by Prof.Alberto Quattrini Li.
- git clone to your catkin_ws folder
- Make sure you download rosbag file recorded from Husarion Rosbot 2.0 from the following link
- Edit launch files for saving path parameters and etc.
- source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash (afterwards recommended : rospack profile)
- run command to make your python scripts executable e.g (chmod +x ~/catkin_ws/src/graph_optimization_mg_cs169/scripts/ and
- roslaunch graph_optimization_mg_cs169 graph_optimization.launch