Utrecht University
- Utrecht
- https://www.projects.science.uu.nl/ics-cantostream/
- in/care4data
- https://www.uu.nl/medewerkers/MEVisscher
A lightweight yet powerful audio-to-MIDI converter with pitch bend detection
This is a Utrecht University dissertation template for LaTeX
Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
A two-stage U-Net for high-fidelity denoising of historical recordings
Simple python package template repository
Python package template to use with poetry
Getting started with GitHub @UtrechtUniversity
Voice assignment in vocal quartets based on pitch salience representations
Code and data for our ISMIR2020 paper 'Mode Classification and Natural Units in Plainchant'
Companion code for ISMIR 2017 paper "Deep Salience Representations for $F_0$ Estimation in Polyphonic Music"
Meta repository containing all corpora published and curated by the Digital and Cognitive Musicology Lab Lausanne
Collection of georeferenced boundaries of world countries and cultural regions for use in mapping historical data on global or continental scale
World TopoJSON data from 2000 BC until today
Raw data and code for RNCM Ligeti manuscript.
Edirom / MerMEId
Forked from kb-dk/MerMEIdMetadata Editor and Repository for MEI Data
Code for ISMIR 2020 paper: "Multiple F0 Estimation in Vocal Ensembles using Convolutional Neural Networks"
ISMIR2018 Tutorial on Open Source and Reproducibility in MIR Research
Material for the workshop 'Best Practices for Writing Reproducible Code'
Repository for the Programming Cafe community event at @UtrechtUniversity
A directory of resources for computational musicology
musicnerd / MusoRepo
Forked from MarkGotham/MusoRepoa directory of resources for Computational Musicology