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Template classes with Number theory algorithms implementations.

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integer factorization by trial division

factorize.h - template classes
factorize_tests.cpp - tests and usage examples, compile by make factorize_tests

factorize.h classes:

PrimesArray - holds array of primes
Factorizer - integer factorization by trial division
PrimeChecker - check whether number is a prime, uses Factorizer which uses trial division
DivisorsCounter - calculate count of divisors of given number
SumOfTwoSquaresChecker - check whether number is sum of two squares (including summand 0) by theorem about sum of two squares


canonical representation of integer

canonic_factors.h - template classes
canonic_factors_tests.cpp - tests and usage examples, compile by make canonic_factors_tests

canonic_factors.h classes:

CanonicFactorsTemplate - surrounding template with typedefs
CanonicFactorsTemplate::PrimePow - power of prime: stores prime and it's exponent
CanonicFactorsTemplate::CanonicFactorizer - uses Factorizer
CanonicFactorsTemplate::CanonicFactors - main class, canonical representation of integer

CanonicFactors methods and operators:

CanonicFactors, =, assign (empty, PrimePow or other object) - constructors and assign operators
CanonicFactors, =, assign (basic integer) - constructors and assign operators which factorize given number using CanonicFactorizer
value - compute value as product of powers of primes
*, *= - multiplication with basic integer or other object
mul_pow, mul_pow_assign - multiplication with PrimePow

CanonicFactors algorithms (static methods):

mul_static - multiplication of two objects
lcm - calculate least common multiple of two objects
eulers_phi - calculate Euler's phi function
carmichael - calculate Carmichael function


mul_mod.h - utility template class MulMod for multiplication by modulo

MulMod methods (all static):

mul_mod - modular multiplication
square_mod - modular squaring
pow_mod - fast modular exponentiation by squaring


multiplicative group modulo n

mul_group_mod.h - template class MulGroupMod for finding element order or primitive root
mul_group_mod_tests.cpp - tests and usage examples, compile by make mul_group_mod_tests

MulGroupMod methods:

MulGroupMod - construct object from modulo n
element_order - calculate order of element of multiplicative group modulo n
is_primitive_root - check whether element is a primitive root modulo n


primitive root modulo n checker, maybe slightly more efficient then MulGroupMod

primitive_roots.h template class PrimitiveRoots for primitive root checking
primitive_roots_tests.cpp - tests and usage examples, compile by make primitive_roots_tests

PrimitiveRoots methods:

PrimitiveRoots - construct object from modulo n
is_primitive_root - check whether element is a primitive root modulo n


quadratic congruences modulo n

square_root_mod.h - template class SquareRootMod for solving quadratic congruences
square_root_mod_tests.cpp - tests and usage examples, compile by make square_root_mod_tests

SquareRootMod methods:

SquareRootMod - construct object from modulo n for storing and using already calculated data
legendre_symbol - calculate Legendre symbol by Euler's criterion (not the most efficient)
least_nonresidue - find Least quadratic non-residue modulo n
tonelli_shanks_algo - Tonelli-Shanks algorithm implementation, optimized by storing and using already calculated data
square_root_mod - wrapper for tonelli_shanks_algo


Number theory algorithms implementations







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