For this practical work in my Reinforcement Learning class, we had to implement a few reinforcement learning algorithms. The py
files were provided to us and we had to complete
with our implementations.
To test the Value / Policy iteration algorithms, we used the standard Grid world environment (inspired from Sutton's Reinforcement Learning book, chapter 4).
You are an agent on an MxN grid and your goal is to reach the terminal state at the top left or the bottom right corner.
For example, a 4x4 grid looks as follows:
T o o o
o x o o
o o o o
o o o T
x is your position and T are the two terminal states.
You can take actions in each direction (UP=0, RIGHT=1, DOWN=2, LEFT=3). Actions going off the edge leave you in your current state. You receive a reward of -1 at each step until you reach a terminal state.
(Violet: terminal state | Blue: go up, yellow: go left, light green: go down, dark green; go right)
We used the same environment for Q-Learning and SARSA. Here are the sum of rewards received at each episode by these 2 algorithms:
To run the algorithms and get the above figures, use the command:
python PI
for Policy Iteration
(replace PI
by VI
, QL
for the other algorithms).