Thank you for visiting my Github page! I am Misaka-xxw, a junior student majoring in Computer Science and Technology from China. My Chinese nickname is 昔我往矣, you can call me 小昔 or 小w. ✨
- C/C++/C#/Python/Java and other foundational programming languages
- Unity 2D game development
- Vue and JavaScript
- Fundamentals of computer science
- Embedded systems
💬 My personal blogs: 👉click here👈
- To create several Unity 2D games, both individually and as a team.
- To develop practical utility software for computers or mobile phones, designed to address the specific needs and lifestyle of college students, perhaps?
- To make small toys with microcontrollers, perhaps?
Well, I don't have a reliable personal email at the moment. If you know my QQ account, you can send me a message on QQ. If you know my Bilibili account, you can send me a private message. If you don't know either, just leave an issue on Github.