A helper class to be used by SMF modifications (Mods).
- Needs PHP 5.3 or higher. SMF 2.1.
- Include it or require it on your own file. You can also use composer:
"require": {
"suki/ohara": "~1.0",
Ohara uses composer/installers this means the class will be automatically placed inside SMF's Sources folder unless you overwrite it on your own composer.json file.
Extend the parent class Ohara using the Suki\Ohara namespace:
class YourClass extends Suki\Ohara
You need to define the $name property, ideally from a declaration:
public static $name = CLASS;
$name is the unique identifier for your main class. Can be any name but usually __CLASS__ fits quite well.
- You need to call $this->setRegistry(), ideally on your __construct method to register your class and have access to several SMF's global variables:
global $sourcedir, $scripturl;
global $settings, $boarddir, $boardurl;
$this->sourceDir = $sourcedir;
$this->scriptUrl = $scripturl;
$this->settings = $settings;
$this->boardDir = $boarddir;
$this->boardUrl = $boardurl;
- All your settings ($modSettings) and text strings ($txt) must follow the same pattern:
Where Mod is the actual name of your class (Ohara uses magic constant CLASS rather than METHOD).
To be able to use a setting you simply call $this->setting('something'); or $this->text('something'); for a text string. Both values return false if there isn't a $modSetting or $txt associated with it.
Property data ($this->data('value')) sanitizes the called value, if it doesn't exists on the $_REQUEST global it returns false. Works with arrays too.
Ohara::getRegistry() is used to get access to any other class extending Ohara.