The script constructs an aitoff map of all known FRBs and RRATs to date. The DM of each source is represented by the size of the point, the associated flux density is represented by the color scheme.
- Type of projection: 'mollweide', 'aitoff', 'hammer', 'lambert'
- An updated .csv table of all known FRB (can be found on the FRB Online Catalogue:
Output: A pdf image of an FRB / RRAT map
The script was used in the following papers:
van Leeuwen J., Mikhailov K., Keane E., Kondratiev V., Michilli D., Hessels J., LOFAR Pulsar PWG, 2017, A&A, in prep. Andromeda and the Crab – A LOFAR radio search for bright single pulses and periodic signals from M 31