The script constructs a beam mosaic for LOFAR observations based on the observational settings
- Observation ID
- A FITS image file of the observable object in RA / DEC coordinates
- Coordinates of the observed stellar object [columns: RA in deg, DEC in deg, beam number]
- A parset file with all necessary information about a given LOFAR observation (central beam coordinates, number of stations, see below)
A .pdf file of a RA / DEC observational plane tiled by LOFAR beams
The script uses beam geometry calculations from by Joeri van Leeuwen and can be easily adapted to any other telescope
The script was used in the following papers:
Mikhailov, K., van Leeuwen, J., 2016, A&A, 593, 21
The LOFAR search for radio pulsars and fast transients in M 33, M 81, and M 82
van Leeuwen J., Mikhailov K., Keane E., Kondratiev V., Michilli D., Hessels J., LOFAR Pulsar PWG, 2017, A&A, in prep.
Andromeda and the Crab – A LOFAR radio search for bright single pulses and periodic signals from M 31