- Arch Linux (for installation scripts)
The primary focus of this repository is to store my dotfiles. I do not prioritize distributing my dotfiles. As a result, I do not thoroughly test the installation scripts and do not test the dotfiles on other distributions or desktop environments. They should work but might require some modifications.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Miyunn/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
This option bascially rapidly installs all the packages I use and symlink the configs with gnu-stow
Run install.sh
in the dotfiles directory:
cd ~/dotfiles && ./install.sh
This allows you to pick and choose certain packages and customization options
Run the following command in your terminal:
cd ~/dotfiles && ./custom-install.sh
Just copy or move the configs to the .config directory :>
- Alacritty (terminal emulator)
- KDE Plasma (desktop environment)
- neovim
- neofetch
- noto-fonts-cjk
- tff-jetbrains-mono-nerd
- Ripgrep
- Stow (symlink manager)
- wl-clipboard
- Yay (AUR helper)
- Tmux
- zip and unzip
- zsh(Oh My Zsh)
- Chromium
- Discord
- Spotify (spotify-launcher)
- Spectacle
- Easy effects
- Linux studio plugins (lsp-plugins)
- To update the dotfiles you can run
git pull
in the dotfiles directory - To update the packages you can run
yay -Syu
orsudo pacman -Syu