TERA Toolbox core module that implements a game state tracking library for network mods.
To reduce overhead, most submodules need to be explicitly requested by a module using them (during initialization, recommended in the module's constructor):
module.exports = function GameStateExample(mod) {
// This:
mod.game.initialize(["me", "contract"]);
// Is identical to this:
// Note that some submodules have even finer grained features that need to be activated individually (in order to reduce overhead when unused).
// Activating a feature (here: "abnormalities" feature of "me" submodule) will implicitly also activate the corresponding submodule (here: "me").
// Submodules "me" and "contract" can now be used.
// Note that "me" does not need to be explicitly requested; it is always loaded by default!
mod.game.contract.on("begin", (type, id) => {
// Do stuff!
module.exports = function GameStateExample(mod) {
// An instance of tera-game-state (as well as command) is readily available through mod.game!
// We're using the "inventory" submodule later on, which needs to be explicitly enabled in order to avoid overhead if unused (see above)
// You can register event handlers (higher-level abstraction than just listening to packets)
mod.game.on('enter_game', () => {
mod.log(`You are now ingame on a ${mod.game.me.race} ${mod.game.me.gender} ${mod.game.me.class}!`);
// Special action required for human male brawler (names are taken directly from DC to avoid confusion)
if(mod.game.me.race === 'human' && mod.game.me.gender === 'male' && mod.game.me.class === 'fighter')
// Do stuff!
mod.game.on('leave_game', () => {
// Clean up!
mod.game.on('enter_loading_screen', () => {
// ...
// Or you can just access its data at any time:
mod.hook('S_ABNORMALITY_BEGIN', 2, (event) => {
mod.log('An abnormality was applied to our player!');
if(mod.game.inventory.weaponEquipped && mod.game.inventory.getTotalAmountInBag(6550) >= 10)
mod.log(`... and we have a weapon equipped, at least 10x Minor Recovery Potables in the bag, and ${mod.game.inventory.money / 10000n} gold!`);