A series of files supporting the processing of data using common Python libraries such as numpy, pandas, scipy, and matplotlib within the Jupyter framework.
The purpose of these files is to give UC Berkeley physics students a point of reference in performing their junior/senior lab analysis work, as well as to provide a Python framework for more experiments traditionally limited to Matlab.
The crown jewel of this work is the Brownian Motion in Cells (BMC) class, which was made to replace the old zip file of assorted Matlab scripts from thje Physics 111B website. The Administrative work is to support staff by filtering spam out of student feedback form and sending each experiment's feedback to its own file. Finally, the tutorials provided are as for beginner to intermediate Python users doing lab analysis. The first two are Jupyter notebook companions to Youtube videos linked at their head. Along with the video's companion notebook, you'll find notebooks used for generating the data so that you can reproduce and/or make your own data. The third tutorial looks at some basic fitting routines including ordinary least squares, weighted least squares, non-linear fits, as well as some basic statistics. This notebook is not complete, but you may still find parts of it useful!
Please email comments or bugs to [email protected]. This was part of my work as a Segre intern with UC Berkeley's physics department.