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Tags: MmgTools/mmg



Toggle v5.7.3's commit message
Fix: quiet search of SCOTCH, add template for issue creation and fis …

…missing header.


Toggle v5.7.2's commit message
Fix bugs when building Mmg with int64 bit integers.


Toggle v5.7.1's commit message
Update release number and date.


Toggle v5.7.0's commit message
Fix last SQ bugs.


Toggle v5.6.0's commit message
Update release number.


Toggle v5.6.0-beta1's commit message
This release includes:

  - various bug fixes;
  - the robustification of isosurface discretization, more particularely in multi-material mode;
  - internal modifications of the analysis to support the parallel surface analysis in ParMmg.


Toggle v5.5.2's commit message
This release patch fixes:

  - a memory error and a bug when using Scotch in Lagrangian mode (mmg3d);
  - an error when splitting boundary edges in lagrangian mode (mmg3d);
  - a regression when computing the available memory on large memory computer (mmg3d);
  - a possible NaN creation in optimLES mode.


Toggle v5.5.1's commit message
This release patch fixes:

  - compilation errors when building on platform where char is unsigned (ARM for example)
  - a regression in isovalue discretization mode (leading to topological errors)


Toggle 5.5.1's commit message
Patch regression in level-set mode: chkmanicoll was not calld anymore…

… on classical bdy edges (inside chkcol_bdy), it was called only along non-manifold edges.