Java library to access the Authy API
This project use you can find the jar versions here
Using Ant you don't need to include since ant is including it in the final jar.
Using Maven you need to include the jar in your jar external libraries.
Use ant
to generate authy-java.jar
or use the jar file in dist
ant compress
This will generate a jar file in dist
If you want to use this command:
$ ant compress
Use mvn install
to compile and install the library in your local maven repository. This also installs the sources JAR file for source code lookup for better debugging.
You will also find the JAR files in the target
Also you can use Use mvn test
if you want to run tests.
Import API:
import com.authy.*;
import com.authy.api.*;
Create an API instance:
AuthyApiClient client = new AuthyApiClient("your-api-key", "");
or by default api url is
AuthyApiClient client = new AuthyApiClient("your-api-key");
or if you want to use in local mode or for debugging purpose
AuthyApiClient client = new AuthyApiClient("your-api-key");
String apiKey = "bf12974d70818a08199d17d5e2bae630";
String apiUrl = "";
boolean debugMode = true;
AuthyApiClient client = new AuthyApiClient(apiKey, apiUrl, debugMode);
Get a Users and Tokens instance:
Users users = client.getUsers();
Tokens tokens = client.getTokens();
NOTE: User is matched based on cellphone and country code not e-mail. A cellphone is uniquely associated with an authy_id.
users.createUser(String, String)
requires the user's e-mail address and cellphone. Optionally you can pass in the countryCode or we will assume USA. The call will return the authy id for the user that you need to store in your database.
To create a user just use:
User user = users.createUser("[email protected]", "405-342-5699", "57");
// createUser takes as arguments the email, phone number and country code
You can check if the user was created calling user.isOk()
If the request was successful, you will need to store the authy id in your database. Use user.getId()
to get this id
in your database.
// Store user.getId() in your database
If something goes wrong user.isOk()
returns false
and you can see the errors using the following code
It returns an Error object explaining what went wrong with the request.
NOTE: Token verification is only enforced if the user has completed registration. To change this behaviour see Forcing Verification section below.
Registration is completed once the user installs and registers the Authy mobile app or logins once successfully using SMS.
takes the authy_id that you are verifying and the token that you want to verify. You should have the authy_id in your database
Token verification = tokens.verify(authy_id, "token-user-entered");
Once again you can use isOk()
to verify whether the token was valid or not.
// token was valid, user can sign in
// token is invalid
In case verification.isOk()
returns false
, you can get an Error object using verification.getError()
If you wish to verify tokens even if the user has not yet complete registration, pass force=true when verifying the token.
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>();
options.put("force", "true");
Token verification = tokens.verify(authy_id, "token-user-entered", options);
takes the authy_id that you want to delete. You should have the authy_id in your database
Hash response = users.deleteUser();
Once again you can use isOk()
to verify whether the user was deleted or not.
// User was deleted
// Some error ocurred
In case response.isOk()
returns false
, you can get an Error object using response.getError()
takes the authy_id that you want to send a SMS token. This requires Authy SMS plugin to be enabled.
Hash sms = users.requestSms(authy_id);
As always, you can use isOk()
to verify if the token was sent.
// sms was sent ;
In case sms.isOk()
returns false
, you can get an Error object using sms.getError()
This call will be ignored if the user is using the Authy Mobile App. If you still want to send the SMS pass force=true as an option
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>();
options.put("force", "true");
Hash sms = users.requestSms(authy_id, options);
will return the OneTouch wrapper, with this component you will be able to use all the
endpoints defined in the OneTouch API,
for example, using the
'sendApprovalRequest' method you will create an ApprovalRequest
in OneTouch, then the approval request
status can be queried by using the uuid
provided. (NOTE: The UUID is the unique identifier for the request sent to OneTouch). 'sendApprovalRequest' method need an intance of ApprovalRequestParams.class, you can create one using the ApprovalRequestParams.Builder like this:
ApprovalRequestParams approvalRequestParams= new ApprovalRequestParams.Builder(Integer.parseInt(103)),"Authorize OneTouch Unit Test")
.addDetail("username", "User")
.addDetail("location", "California,USA")
.addHiddenDetail("ip_address", "")
.addLogo(Resolution.Default, "")
OneTouchResponse response = client.getOneTouch().sendApprovalRequest(approvalRequestParams);
// If the request was successfuly created.
String uuid = response.getApprovalRequest().getUUID();
If you want to query the ApprovalRequest status
String status = client.getOneTouch().getApprovalRequestStatus(uuid).getStatus();
When you make a OneTouch request, you will get a OneTouchResponse object which in turn will have a getApprovalRequest() accessor to retrieve the metadata from the given request, for example:
OneTouchResponse response = client.getOneTouch().getApprovalRequestStatus(uuid);
ApprovalRequest approvalRequest = response.getApprovalRequest();
// was the user notified?
System.out.println("The user was "+(approvalRequest.isNotified()?"":"not")+" notified.");
// What is the status of the request?
System.out.print("The status of the request is: "+approvalRequest.getStatus());
As described in the documentation, you can define a callback from Authy to your web application were you will receive the result of your request with all the related information.
After you define your callback, if you want to keep up with following our Developer Best Practices you should Verify the authenticity of callbacks from Authy all this process can be done easily just by using an utility method from AuthyUtil like this:
Inside your app your app will get a request into a servlet/controller were you will have the Http Request object.
// let's create a Map of Strings to put the query parameters from the Http Request
HashMap<String,String> params = new HashMap<>();
for(String p : request.queryParams()){
// let's create a Map of Strings to put the query headers from the Http Request
HashMap<String,String> headers = new HashMap<>();
for(String h : request.headers()){
//Now it is really easy just to ask AuthyUtil to check the authenticity of the signature, TOKEN will be the string with your Api_key
// AuthyUtil.validateSignature will tell you if the request is secure or not!
boolean isValid = AuthyUtil.validateSignature(params, headers, request.requestMethod(), request.url(), TOKEN)
// Then you can just finish the rewquest with the proper HTTP code or do any other procesing you need for this case.
return "Unauthorized";
AuthyApiClient client = new AuthyApiClient("SomeApiKey");
PhoneVerification phoneVerification = client.getPhoneVerification();
Verification verification;
Params params = new Params();
params.setAttribute("locale", en);
verification = phoneVerification.start("111-111-1111", "1", "sms", params);
Once you sent the verification code the user will receive the code in the mobile device. Then you need to provide this code to check if it is okay.
AuthyApiClient client = new AuthyApiClient("SomeApiKey");
PhoneVerification phoneVerification = client.getPhoneVerification();
Verification verification;
verification = phoneVerification.check("111-111-1111", "1", "2061");
Getting more info about a phone number.
AuthyApiClient client = new AuthyApiClient("SomeApiKey");
PhoneInfo phoneInfo = client.getPhoneInfo();
PhoneInfoResponse phoneInfoResponse;
phoneInfoResponse ="111-111-1111", "1");
You can get an XML representation of some objects. See javadoc documentation.
You can find the full API documentation in the official documentation page.
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
- Fork the project.
- Start a feature/bugfix branch.
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
- Bhagya Silva
Copyright (c) 2011-2020 Authy Inc. See LICENSE.txt for further details.