- Ensure that you have Python and pip installed on your system.
git clone https://github.com/Mohamed2Sherif/OLA_store.git
cd OLA_store
Create and Activate Virtual Environment (Optional but recommended)
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # On Windows: .\venv\Scripts\activate
Note: make sure to have docker and docker-desktop installed on your machine, for installation check: official docker documentation
#Create the .envs folder following the .envs_template structure
#Run the Development Server
docker-compose -f compose_local.yml up -d --build
The development server should now be up and running at http://localhost:8000/.
Access the Admin Panel
Visit http://localhost:8000/admin/ and log in with the superuser credentials if created.
#To shutdown or restart the development server
docker-compose -f compose_local.yml down
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