⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process
Master the creation of Modern UX/UI Websites
Personal portfolio website hosted using GitHub Pages - Version 2
A simple React app that uses Context API, custom Hooks, Tailwind CSS & Framer Motion.
Personal website using vite react + tailwind. 🤩
A personal portfolio website made with ReactJS.
my portfolio website built with next.js and tailwindcss
Contains Company Wise Questions sorted based on Frequency and all time
Big Data Engineering practice project, including ETL with Airflow and Spark using AWS S3 and EMR
With everything I learned from DEZoomcamp from, this project performs a batch processing on AWS for the cycling dataset which is available on Transport For London (TFL) website. http…
Data science interview questions and answers
Creating Recommendation Engine for movies using collaborative filtering using Python and Spark
Learn ML engineering for free in 4 months!