Learn to fork a repository and open your first pull request to get ready to participate in Hacktoberfest 2021 ✅
Step#1: Fork and clone the repository
Step#3: Create a new folder inside contributions
folder and name the folder as YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME
Step#4: Create a new file inside YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME
folder of any programming language with ANY-NAME.extension
, Remember, extension can be of any programming language of your choice. For example, for python create a file named hacktoberfestop.py
, for javascript create a file named myhacktoberfest.js
, the name totally relies upon you :)
Step#5: Inside the file you just created (of programming language of your choice), write a program to print "Hello Hacktoberfest2021!"
NOTE: Don't forget to add these info at the top of your file inside comments, an example of doing the same in python.
Step#8: Push to your fork git push origin new-user
and submit a pull request.
A month-long celebration from October 1st - 31st sponsored by Digital Ocean and GitHub to get people involved in Open Source. Create your very first pull request to any public repository on GitHub and contribute to the open source developer community.
When should I make a pull request?
You are welcomed to raise a PR anytime but if you are here for increasing your count for hacktoberfest, star this repo now and raise a PR between OCT 1st to 31st.
Are pull requests counted towards Hacktoberfest 2021?
This repo is to welcome beginners to Github and the opensource community by helping them learn how to make their first PR and contributions to open source!
That said, only high-quality contributions and pull requests that add value to Open Source projects are part of the core values of Hacktoberfest, so repositories like this one and others which allow users to quickly gain a PR toward completing the challenge might be excluded from the Hacktoberfest.
So we highly recommend you to contribute in a meaningful way to other Hacktoberfest issues and not rely on this repository alone.
Read [Hacktoberfest2021's FAQ](https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/faq)
This repo is to welcome beginners to Github and the opensource community by helping them learn how to make their first PR and contributions to open source!
That said, only high-quality contributions and pull requests that add value to Open Source projects are part of the the core values of Hacktoberfest, so repositories like this one and others which allow users to quickly gain a PR toward completing the challenge might be excluded from the Hacktoberfest.
So we highly recommend you to contribute in a meaningful way to other open source projects' repositories and not rely on this repository alone.