Hello guys this is my component library. From my component library if any user want to copy the style of my components then user can just click copy button and paste the code in his html file.
but before that user has to copy and paste my css file link in his head section of the html. That css file link is provided in the installation section of the website and also provided on the documentation page. Or copy the code given below in your html head tag.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://easywebdev.netlify.app/components.css">
Now for anybody who want to review my code of component library. I know its difficult to find out how the files are working in the project and what is the entry point and how to view the code efficiently and easily and in less time. Then you can view the file structure below that will help you and also if you find any issues with the code, you are most welcome to review my code and correct my mistakes.
There are
- three html files in my component library (index.html, components.html, about.html)
- three css files (style.css, blockcomponents.css, components.css)
- two folders (images, ComponentsCss)
- two JavaScript files(script.js, components.js)
Now index.html, style.css, about.html and script.js
- The main(documentation) page of the component library.
- index.html and style.css contains the html and css for the main page
- script.js and about.html don't contain any code right now
Now the components.html, blockcomponents.css, components.js, components.css
consists of the components page of the component library.
- component.html and blockcomponents.css contains the html and css for the components page
- components.js contains the navbar button functionality for the mobile
- components.css contains the import statemet of different components from the ComponentsCss folder.
- images folder contains the images used in this project
Hello, here are the meaning of the commits. This is for anybody who is not getting my commits
feat: new feature added
fix: fixed a bug
docs: changes in documentation
style: style related
refactor: code changes that neither changes a but nor fixes an error
test: everything related to testing
chore: updating building task, package manager etc
- Twitter – @aggarwalmohit
- LinkedIn – /mohit-kumar-aggarwal/
- Other Links – /mohitkumar.in/