Small Vuex module for caching coin valuations in different currencies. This was build around the v1 api of coinmarketcap which has since been deprecated. Works as of May 28th 2018.
$ yarn add coinmarketcap-vuex
# OR
$ npm install coinmarketcap-vuex
//Set up Vue & Vuex
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import CoinmarketcapModule from 'coinmarketcap-vuex'
//Create your vuex store
let store = new Vuex.Store({state: {}, modules: {coinmarketcap: module}})
<form v-on:submit.prevent="onSubmit">
<select v-model="selectedFiat">
<option disabled>Select Currency</option>
<option value="USD">USD</option>
<option value="EUR">EUR</option>
<option value="GBP">GBP</option>
<li v-for="(crypto) in cryptoList" v-bind:key="crypto.crypto">
<p>{{ crypto}}</p>
<p>{{ latestRate(crypto,selectedFiat) }}</p>
<p>{{ latestDate(crypto,selectedFiat) }}</p>
//helper methods to unpack the coinmarketcap module state and actions
import { mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex';
export default {
name: 'CoinList',
data() {
return { selectedFiat: 'none' };
computed: {
//mapping out the isloading, in case disable form submission when requesting valuations
...mapState('coinmarketcap', { isLoading: state => state.isLoading }),
//extract the unique crytocurrenct symbols available for a fiat currency
cryptoList() {
const cryptos = new Set();
this.$store.getters['coinmarketcap/fiatValuations'](this.selectedFiat).forEach(valuation => cryptos.add(valuation.crypto));
return cryptos;
methods: {
//mapping out updateCoins action retrives latest valuations for specfic fiat currency
...mapActions('coinmarketcap', ['updateCoins']),
//submit the form, retrives the largest 10 coins valuations in specfic fiat currency
onSubmit() {
this.updateCoins({ currency: this.selectedFiat, limit: 10 });
//for a trading pair find the latest valuation and return its date
latestDate(crypto, fiat) {
const valuations = this.$store.getters['coinmarketcap/tradingPairValuations'](crypto, fiat);
const reducer = (max, current) => {
const result = > ? max : current;
return result;
const lastValuation = valuations.reduce(reducer, valuations[0]);
//for a trading pair find the latest valuation and return its rate
latestRate(crypto, fiat) {
const valuations = this.$store.getters['coinmarketcap/tradingPairValuations'](crypto, fiat);
const reducer = (max, current) => {
const result = > ? max : current;
return result;
const lastValuation = valuations.reduce(reducer, valuations[0]);
return lastValuation.rate;
//specify fiat currency you want valuations for
//optionally specify a limit, which will cqp returned reults
//based on market capitalisation.
let payload = {currency: this.selectedFiat, limit: 10 }
//Specify a fiat currency and the date of last updated is returned
//returns all stored valuations for specific fiat currency
//returns all stored valuations for specific crypto currency
//returns all stored valuations for a trading pair
//boolean representing if an ongoing request is being made to