Just todo here
expected output
dist/types -> types will be compiled to docs as seperate MD file
auth i dont think i will ever make this, but just in case i would make a ban-ip temp for someone who spam api more than 30 req/s
Files(endpoints) -> will have -> usage with npm -> usage with api and its body that needed -> body example -> output example -> exports an express router
Structure -> src -> app - index as main router and / (which actually just return 200 and api ready) - util - - test.ts - endpoints & types - endpoints - - **.ts (should be monorepo(hopefully)) packages -> ** -> src - - util - - handler - endpoints (to actually get endpoint from api) - lib - types gatherer - interface
endpoints exporting docs
// body : boolean (determining does an endpoint need a body or not)
// bodyObject : {[x]:[y]} (Object that will be parsed to body if body
// EOL (endOfLine must be emmited on every docs)