A bioinformatics workflow for quick assessment of illumina reads with the focus on (fastqc, species identification, coverage and estimated genome size)
- Set up a project folder for the run
cd /path/to/installation
- Download the latest version from gitlab
git clone https://gitlab.com/FLI_Bioinfo/qc_pipeline.git
To run the qc_pipeline, run the bash script checkQC.sh
. Detailed usage is below
bash ./checkQC.sh -h
bash ./checkQC.sh -d fastq_directory -o Output_directory --kraken2 <path to kraken2 db>
-d, --fastq-directory DIR, a directory where the fastq reads are present
-l, --linksdir DIR, a directory to create links for the reads (default: linksdir/)
-o, --outdir DIR, an output directory for the snakemake results (default: output/)
--run [true, false] Automatically run snakemake (default: true)
--cores Number of cores to use (default: available cpus)
--kraken2 Path to (Mini)kraken2 DB. You may download ftp://ftp.ccb.jhu.edu/pub/data/kraken2_dbs/minikraken2_v2_8GB_201904_UPDATE.tgz
-h, --help This help
- As input for
, you need to use the folder where the fastq files are present with option-d
. In standard cases, fastq files could have any of the following format (sampleID_S3_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz, sampleID_1.fastq.gz, sampleID_1.fq.gz, sampleID_1.fq .gz), could also be uncompressed. - The script
creates a new folder where links for the samples are created "option-l
". In this folder the name of samples is corrected to be read with snakemake in this format "sampleID_1.fastq.gz" - Additionally,
writes a config file updated with paths to output folder "option-o
", kraken2 DB "option--kraken2
" and snakemake "default is the current folder" - snakemake runs automatically "option
--run true
" with the cores "option--cores
". However, the automatic run could be deactivated using--run false
. In this case you need to run snakemake in a separate step.
bash ./checkQC.sh -d /path/to/inputfolder -o /path/to/outputfolder --run true --cores 64 --kraken2 /home/DB_RAM/kraken2
Mostafa Abdel-Glil ([email protected])
Jörg Linde ([email protected])