LoRa APRS iGATE for:
- LILYGO ESP32 LoRa v2-1-1.6
- ESP32 Wroom Dev + SX1278 LoRa Module for a DIY Version
- listening to LoRa packets the same as messages for Stations/Callsing in near 80Kms.
- transmiting messages listened from APRS-IS to LoRa
Instrucctions (add your information into the '/data/igate_conf.json'):
1.- Change "callsign" from "NOCALL-10" to your CALLSIGN + SSID
2.- Change "SSID" from "WiFi_AP_1" to your WIFI-NAME
3.- Change "Password" from "password_WiFi_2" to your WIFI-PASSWORD
4.- Add the GPS to "Latitude" and "Longitude" (info from GoogleMaps) of new LoRa iGate
5.- Change "passcode" from "XYZVW" to yours (remember that is 5 digits integer)
- 2023.02.10 First Beta (receiving LoRa Beacon/Packets and uploading to APRS-IS).
- 2023.02.17 Receiving Feed from APRS-IS.
- 2023.03.01 Tx Packet from APRS-IS to nearby LoRa Stations.
- 2023.05.12 Tx Packet from APRS-IS to LoRa-RF Correction.
- 2023.05.19 Saving Last-Heard Stations for validating Tx Responses
- 2023.05.23 Processing Query's from RF/LoRa or APRS-IS