ParamFinder is a powerful tool designed to extract URLs with parameters efficiently, enabling users to identify and analyze web resources with parameterized URLs.
Parameters in URLs can reveal important information and potential vulnerabilities in web applications, making them a critical aspect of security testing and analysis.
Usage: java -jar ParamFinder.jar -d <domain> -o <output_file_path> [-p]
-d, --domain <domain> Specify the domain to scan
-o, --output <output_file_path> Specify the output file path
-p, --params Extract URLs with parameters only
You can download the latest release of ParamFinder from the GitHub repository.
To extract URLs with parameters from a domain and save them to a file:
java -jar ParamFinder.jar -d -o output.txt
To extract only URLs with parameters:
java -jar ParamFinder.jar -d -o output.txt -p
ParamFinder skips URLs with the following extensions:
.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .svg, .json,
.css, .js, .webp, .woff, .woff2, .eot, .ttf, .otf, .mp4, .txt
Use Java 11 or higher to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.