This is a guide to my journey to becoming a professional developer. Need direction, follow me. ;)
Follow @moxiehampton
This repo was built to track my daily learning and acts as an accountability tool for the #100DaysofCode Twitter challenge.
Course | Host |
Front End Development | Free Code Camp |
Watch and Code Practical JavaScript | Gordon Zhu |
Version Control with Git | Udacity |
Freelance Business Building Blueprint | Skillcrush |
Course | Host |
Writing READMEs | Udacity |
GitHub & Collaboration | Udacity |
React Nanodegree Program | Udacity |
- If you have any questions or ideas about 100DaysOfCode, feel free to reach out to Alexander Kallaway on Twitter: @ka11away
- If you like this repo and find it useful, please consider ★ starring it (on top right of the page)
- Oh, and please message me if you would like to collaborate on a project. Message