A Maven Repository for MrCrayfish's Mods
Simply add the following maven to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
name = "MrCrayfish (GitHub)"
url = "https://maven.pkg.github.com/MrCrayfish/Maven"
credentials {
// For your security, retrieve these from a non-public file or environment variable
username = <GITHUB_USERNAME>
You can then use any published package in your build with the following
dependencies {
// Forge
compileOnly fb.deobf("com.mrcrayfish:<mod_id>-common-<mc_version>:<mod_version>")
runtimeOnly fb.deobf("com.mrcrayfish:<mod_id>-forge-<mc_version>:<mod_version>")
// Fabric
modCompileOnly "com.mrcrayfish:<mod_id>-common-<mc_version>:<mod_version>"
modRuntimeOnly "com.mrcrayfish:<mod_id>-fabric-<mc_version>:<mod_version>"