- This person webpage is created to display my future projects. As I just started this path, at the moment I don't have what to show up, so at the moment basically all content there present as placeholder.
- When the page is loaded the page presents my name, a recent photo or avatar, and links to sections about me, my work, and how to contact me
- When one of the links in the navigation is clicked then the UI scrolls to the corresponding section
- When viewing the section about your work then the section contains titled placeholder images of future applications
- First application image placeholder is larger than than other images
- When images of the applications are clicked then the user is not taken to that deployed application as every apps there are placeholders.
- When the page is resized or viewed on various screens and devices then the layout is responsive and adapts to the visitor viewport
Not required
Credits to https://pravatar.cc/ for personal image place holder Cretits to https://materialdesignicons.com/ for my "Contact Me" icons
Tested in Google Chrome and MS Edge desktop browsers, also in Safari and Google Chrome mobile browsers.
MIT License