big-xml-notify -- A fork of npm big-xml, when big files is fully read an "close" event will be emitted.
Added this notify feature for my school data processing assignment. There are many big files to process and I need to know when the files has been fully processed.
npm install big-xml-notify
XML files are streamed, and parsed one record at a time, which keeps memory usage low.
You must specify which XML elements should be considered as the root of a record, using a regex. In this example the elements Foo and Bar will be emitted as records.
var bigXml = require('big-xml');
var reader = bigXml.createReader('data.xml.gz', /^(Foo|Bar)$/, { gzip: true });
reader.on('record', function(record) {
reader.on('close', function(){
console.log("File is fully read")
The output would take the form:
{ tag: 'Foo',
attrs: { Name: 'John', Status: 'Student' },
children: [
{ tag: 'Color', text: 'blue'}
And if you want to handle errors (by default they are thrown):
reader.on('error', function(err) {