expert_readed_books Public
Forked from 0voice/expert_readed_books2021年最新总结,推荐工程师合适读本,计算机科学,软件技术,创业,思想类,数学类,人物传记书籍
UpdatedMar 9, 2023 -
Face-recognition-for-classroom-sign-in Public
Forked from Sharpiless/Face-recognition-for-classroom-sign-in基于FaceNet的人脸检测+识别的课堂学生签到系统
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 4, 2020 -
redis Public
Forked from redis/redisRedis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs,…
C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 1, 2020 -
unpv13e Public
Forked from unpbook/unpv13eUNIX Network Programming, Volume 1, Third Edition Source Code
C Other UpdatedJan 14, 2020 -
co Public
Forked from idealvin/coostAn elegant and efficient C++ basic library for Linux, Windows and Mac.
C++ MIT License UpdatedDec 27, 2019 -
Catch2 Public
Forked from catchorg/Catch2A modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++11, C++14, C++17 and later (or C++03 on the Catch1.x branch)