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Security: MrRazamataz/OneVersionRemake


Security Policy

Supported Versions


We only support the very latest release of OneVersionRemake.
Using any older version will get your support request ignored.


As of writing this (29th of April, 2022) are only the following platforms officially supported:

Platform Supported Version
BungeeCord Any 1.18.x builds
Waterfall1 Any 1.18.x builds
FlameCord2 Any 1.18.x builds
Velocity 3.1.2-SNAPSHOT (Build 116) and newer

Reporting a Vulnerability

Please report any vulnerability on our Discord server in the #oneversionremake channel.
Do not use the issues section for reporting vulnerabilities to avoid exploitation.


  1. Other BungeeCord forks may also work, but aren't supported by us.

  2. FlameCord has not been tested by us, and we do not guarantee a 100% compatability with it.

There aren’t any published security advisories