Releases: MrRazamataz/old-RazBot
4.20 - Slash commands, new features.
We have:
- Music slash commands.
- Bal commands and message counting.
- yt2mp3
- Custom commands creation per server
- Better help command
- Better automod
- Giveaway command
- 69 total commits to the RazBot GitHub
Please read raz!help
for all latest command info.
4.1 - Music improvments and AutoMod
This release adds AutoMod and spotify playlist support (still jank) to RazBot.
Also a cog reload command for me.
4.0 Yet Another Feature Update (YAFU).
Release 4.0, long time coming!
New stuff:
MUSIC COMMANDS, raz!play, raz!queue, raz!np etc etc etc, full command list coming soon
Wiki command, raz!wiki <term>
, will take from wikipedia.
Improved moderation commands, now sends DMs to user being warned/kicked/banned, with info.
Some other commands and stuff.
Bug fixes.
3.9.5 - The public update
This update aims to help new people use the bot. It has raz!help, and bug fixes.
3.8 - Lots of different things
Started working on slash commands.
Added a command to set status, can only be used my MrRazamataz unless changed in the code if you locally host.
Started working on raz!cmds
that is a menu you can control with reactions.
Added unknown command error.
3.7 - Warns fixed
This version fixes an error where the warns weren't getting loaded properly at startup.
3.5 - The warns update
3.4 - Reaction Roles Update (with admin only perms)
with python 3
Update notes here:
3.3 - Cogs Re-write
Extract and run