Auto search for movie/series on torrent, usenet, ddl, subtitles, streaming, predb and other sites.
Supports Title/Reference pages and does multi auto-search on List/Watchlist/Advanced Title Search pages.
Adds links to IMDb pages from various sites.
Adds movies/series to Radarr/Sonarr.
Adds/Removes movies/series/episodes to/from Trakt's watchlist.
Removes ads.
Supports Greasemonkey, Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey v3 & Greasemonkey for Pale Moon.
Meanings of the color borders around the icons:
Search completed. Results found.
Search completed. Results not found.
No access to search
Search completed. Request found.
Contributions are welcome.
Inside the script, there is a list of dictionaries that contains of all the sites, and the data necessary to check IMDb against them. Each site is a dictionary with the following attributes:
: The site name, abbreviated.icon
(optional): Icon for the site.searchUrl
: The URL to perform the search against, see below for how to tailor the string to a site.matchRegex
: The string which appears if the searchUrl doesn't return a result.postiveMatch
(optional): Changes the test to return true if the searchUrl does return a result that matches matchRegexTV
(optional): If true, it means that this site will only show up on TV pages. By default, sites only show up on movie pages.both
(optional): Means that the site will show up on both movie and TV pages.spaceEncode
(optional): Changes the character used to encode spaces in movie titles. The default is '+'.goToUrl
(optional): Different URL used for link (instead ofsearchUrl
(optional): If any text on the page matches this regex, the site is treated as being logged out.configName
(optional): Use this to allow changing names without breaking existing users.inSecondSearchBar
(optional): Places site at the second searchable bar.inThirdSearchBar
(optional): Places site at the third searchable bar.rateLimit
(optional): Connection rate limit in milliseconds. Default is 200. On the Search/List pages if rateLimit<=1000 then it will be increased by a factor of 4.mPOST
: HTTP request by POST method. For the sites that doesn't support GET.ignore404
(optional): Ignores all 4** HTTP errors.
Parameters you can use inside the URL:
: The IMDb id with the tt prefix (e.g. tt0055630).%nott%
: The IMDb id without the tt prefix (e.g. 0055630).%tvdbid%
: The TVDb id.%tmdbid%
: The TMDb id.%search_string%
: The movie title (e.g. Yojimbo). Depends on your preferences at .%search_string_orig%
: The original movie title (e.g. Yôjinbô). Reverts to %search_string% if an original title is not set at IMDb.%year%
: The movie year (e.g. 1961).
See the script for examples.
Follows a bastardization of the semver standard:
- Patch versions will not change behavior, only the URL/settings for trackers.
- Minor versions will definitely change code, although behavior may in fact remain the same.
- Major versions will definitely change behavior, although it will only be increased at the discretion of the current maintainer.