I’m a DevOps Engineer passionate about building reliable, scalable systems that simplify complex workflows. Every day is an opportunity to learn, innovate, and contribute to meaningful projects.
My expertise includes AWS, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, GitLab, and GitHub. I specialize in designing cloud infrastructures, automating CI/CD pipelines, and ensuring seamless deployments. I enjoy collaborating with teams and finding practical solutions to technical challenges.
I believe in continuous learning and creating value through efficient and well-optimized systems. Let’s connect to share ideas and explore opportunities to work together!
🌱 I’m currently Working on AWS, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, GitLab, CI/CD and GitHub
💬 Ask me about AWS, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, GitLab, CI/CD and GitHub
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact I am a Continuous Learner Passionate Traveler and Helping others