This is simple and tiny todo app which manages a list of todos(creating, deleting and marking as done.)
It recommends the task the be perfomed next depending on the priority of each of the task.
We recommend to fork this repository to your GitHub account before you get started, which makes it much easier to hand in the solution when you are done.
Ensure you have Elixir 1.14 and Erlang/OTP 25 installed.
We recommend using asdf,
in which case you can use the .tool-versions
file in this repository,
to setup your development environment.
Once your enviroment is prepared, run mix setup
from the root directory of this repository,
to compile the project and initialize the development database.
Finally start the Phoenix server with mix phx.server
or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit http://localhost:4000
from your browser and interact with the application.
Note There is nothing special about this application, so if you get stuck you can always have a look at the official Phoenix docs.