1 - KNN FOR IMAGE ANALYSIS - Learn how to recognise any handwritten digits with greater accuracy using K Nearest Neighbors
2 - REAL TIME FACE RECOGNITION - Learn how to capture live images through webcam and to identify the faces using OpenCV and KNN Algorithm
3 - COLLAGE CREATOR - Learn how to use numPy and openCv to create collages from images
4 - TWITTER SENTIMENT ANALYSIS - Learn how to clean text data and build a Naive-Bayes classifier to classify tweets sentiment
5 - STOCK PRICE PREDICTOR - Learn how to Build a Recurrent Neural Network Architecture - A 4-layered LSTM model with adam optimizer and dropout regularization using Keras API to predict the Google stock prices of the future month using 5 years of training datset.
6 - MUSIC GENERATION - Learn how to create music by training a LSTM model on a desirable music style like Jazz
7 - MARKOV CHAIN - Learn how to use Markov Chain for lyric, speech, code etc generation
8 - GAN - Generative Adversarial Network: Learn how to create fake images of digits by training GAN on MNIST dataset