Note: Taichi is currently under "drastic" development for multiple research projects, and we apologize for its poor usability and stability at this stage. We plan to release a stable version for everyone to use in August 2018 at SIGGRAPH.
Taichi is a physically based computer graphics library, with various simulation and rendering algorithms supported (What's inside?). It's written in C++14 and wrapped friendly with Python.
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Like many other open-source projects, taichi
is based on other open-source projects, which are shipped with taichi and users do not have to install manually:
- Intel Embree
- Intel TBB
- fmt
- Catch2
- spdlog
- stb_image, stb_image_write, stb_truetype
- tinyobjloader
- JIXIE::ImplicitQRSVD
- dcraw
- ffmpeg
- pybind11
- ...
Current developers include:
- Yuanming Hu (project creator & main developer)
- Yu Fang (developer)
- ...