LevenshteinDistanceSIMD is C++17 header for calculate the Levenshtein distance faaaaast with AVX2/SSE4.1 and ASIMD(NEON).
Call LevenshteinDistansSIMD::levenshtein_distance_simd
template<typename Container>
uint32_t LevenshteinDistansSIMD::levenshtein_distance_simd(const Container& str1, const Container& str2){
/* Conditions */
sizeof(typename Container::value_type) == sizeof(int32_t)
|| sizeof(typename Container::value_type) == sizeof(int16_t)
|| sizeof(typename Container::value_type) == sizeof(int8_t),
"unsuported value type");
if(str1.size() + str2.size() > (std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()){
throw std::runtime_error("Given container size is too big.");
/* Calc..... */
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