This repository contains some driver code and hardware peripheral code.
Soft Environment:
Windows 11, CLion2023, STM32CubeMX 6.8.1, openocd 0.12.0
Hardware Environment:
Weact Studio STM32H750VBT6, STM32F407ZGT6
Implemented LVGL Simulator in CLion, and here is the corresponding blog link:
How to implement the LVGL simulator in CLion ?
Here is specfic documentation for this project: How to implement STM32H750VBT6's Bootloader in CLion?
It took a lot of time and experience to realize this Bootloader, but I still feel very happy that is was successfully completed in the end.
This project implements downloading LVGL to external Flash.
Write a program to measure and verify the internal Flash size of STM32H750VBT6. My development board is 1024KB, if it exceeds this range, it will enter HardFault_Handler.
Here is a documentation in the project file: How to measure the internal flash size and verify it?
Port the latest arm-dsp library to STM32H750 using CLion. The newest library includes window functions that is not present in STM32CubeMX.
Ported the lateset DSP library to STM32H750 on CLion
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