Due to the upgrade of OpenShift 3, there are now better ways of deploying cachet on OpenShift. As a result, this project is no longer maintained.
![OpenShift](http://launch-shifter.rhcloud.com/launch/Cachet On.svg)
This installs the 2.x version of Cachet.
Cachet for OpenShift automatically downloads the latest version of Cachet 2.x and installs it in a PHP-FPM based setup.
To install, just click the OpenShift button above.
Mail is disabled by default. To enable it, fill in your credentials in $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/Cachet/.env, and run the following command in $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/Cachet
$OPENSHIFT_PHP_VERSION_DIR/bin/php artisan config:cache
There is an experimental script called 'mgmutil' in $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/bin Note that the script is experimental and may cause issues with your installation.
Be sure to grab the latest script by running something like
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ALinuxNinja/openshift-cachet/master/.openshift/data/mgmutil > $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/bin/mgmutil
Note that if you have a big installation, the backup may not restore properly in the small gear due to disk quotas. Not much can be done about that, you will have to get a larger gear.
To upgrade PHP, see instructions at https://github.com/boekkooi/openshift-cartridge-php By default, this uses the latest version of PHP avaliable at the time of launching the application.
Mgmutil, located in $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/bin allows for backups to be created. Backups are automatically created during an upgrade, and can be used to restore the deployment if an upgrade fails. If a upgrade fails, that is the fastest way to get your app back, so make sure you do a backup. The generated backup is stored in $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/backup.tar.gz Note that mgmutil will only do a backup of the MySQL tables and the files in $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/Cachet. If you want to add extra files to the backup, place them in $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/Cachet or modify mgmutil. I do not provide support for backups created by a modified mgmutil.
To restore, use the following process:
- Deploy an application using the deploy button at the top of this README
- After the application is deployed, use git to clone the application using the URL under "Source Code" in the OpenShift Online application.
- Place backup.tar.gz in the root of the cloned repo.
- Add backup.tar.gz to the git repo and commit it.
- Do a
git push origin
The backup will then be restored.