( I made this project only for Android ) In order to start the project you need to follow these steps:
- If you use 'npm' then text in your console in the project: "npm install" If you use 'yarn' -> 'yarn' or 'yarn install'
- To start the project on Android you need to follow these steps:
- run this command in console "react-native run-android"
- if you start the project from the Android emulator => Open "Android Studio" (in case you don't have it, you can istall it here https://developer.android.com/studio) and run the Emulator, next step - run previous command in the console.
Packages used: axios - for responses, it makes working process with API easier, formik - keeps track of form's state, yup - to verificate forms, lodash.debounce - for search debounce, mobx, mobx-react - to store data, react-native-fast-image - to cache images and make app faster, react-native-image-viewing - to view image on the full screen, react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view - to avoid problem with the keyboard, react-native-svg - to create curly lines in header or other various images