TaskQueue is now Swift 2.0. If you need Swift 1.2, checkout version 0.9.6
Contents of this readme
- Intro
- Sync and Async Tasks Example
- Serial and Concurrent Tasks
- GDC Queue Control
- Extensive Example
- Credit
- License
- Version History
TaskQueue is a Swift library which allows you to schedule tasks once and then let the queue execute them in a synchronious matter. The great thing about TaskQueue is that you get to decide on which GCD queue each of your tasks should execute beforehand and leave TaskQueue to do switching of queues as it goes.
Even if your tasks are asynchronious like fetching location, downloading files, etc. TaskQueue will wait until they are finished before going on with the next task.
Last but not least your tasks have full flow control over the queue, depending on the outcome of the work you are doing in your tasks you can skip the next task, abort the queue, or jump ahead to the queue completion. You can further pause, resume, and stop the queue.
The infrastructure and best practices for distributing Swift libraries is currently being developed by the developer community during this beta period of the language and Xcode. In the meantime, you can simply add TaskQueue as a git submodule, and drag the TaskQueue.swift
file into your Xcode project.
Here's the simplest way to use TaskQueue in Swift:
let queue = TaskQueue()
queue.tasks +=~ {
... time consuming task on a background queue...
queue.tasks +=! {
... update UI on main queue ...
TaskQueue will execute the tasks one after the other waiting for each task to finish and the will execute the next one. By using the operators +=~
and +=!
you can easily set whether the task should execute in background or on the main queue.
More interesting of course is when you have to do some asynchronious work in the background in your tasks. Then you can fetch the next parameter in your task and call it whenever your async work is done:
let queue = TaskQueue()
queue.tasks +=~ { result, next in
var url = NSURL(string: "http://jsonmodel.com")
completionHandler: {_,_,_ in
//process the response
queue.tasks +=! {
println("execute next task after network call is finished")
queue.run {
Few things to highlight in the example above:
The first task closure gets two parameters result is the result from the previous task (nil in the case of the first task of course) and next. next is a closure you need to call whenver your async task has finished executing
Task nr.2 doesn't get started until you call next() in your previous task
The run function can also take a closure as a parameter - if you pass one it will always get executed after all other tasks has finished.
By default TaskQueue executes its tasks one after another or in other words the queue has up to one active task at a time.
You can however prefer for a number of tasks to execute at the same time (e.g. if you need to download a number of image files from web). To do this just increase the number of active tasks and the queue will automatically start executing tasks concurrently. For example:
queue.maximumNumberOfActiveTasks = 10
This will make the queue execute up to 10 tasks at the same time.
Note: As soon as you allow for more than one task at a time certain restrictions apply: you cannot invoke retry(), and you cannot pass result from one task to another.
Do you want to run couple of heavy duty tasks in the background and then switch to the main queue to update your app UI? Easy. Study the example below, which showcases GCD queue control with TaskQueue:
let queue = TaskQueue()
// "+=" adds a task to be executed on the current queue
queue.tasks += {
//Update the App UI
// "+=~" adds a task to be executed in the background, e.g. low prio queue
// "~" stands for so~so priority
queue.tasks +=~ {
//do heavy work
// "+=!" adds a task to be executed on the main queue
// "!" stands for High! priority
queue.tasks +=! {
//update the UI again
// to start the queue on the current GCD queue
let queue = TaskQueue()
// Simple sync task, just prints to console
queue.tasks += {
println("====== tasks ======")
println("task #1: run")
// A task, which can be asynchronious because it gets
// result and next params and can call next() when ready
// with async work to tell the queue to continue running
queue.tasks += { result, next in
println("task #2: begin")
delay(seconds: 2) {
println("task #2: end")
// A task which retries the same task over and over again
// until it succeeds (i.e. util when you make network calls)
// NB! Important to capture **queue** as weak to prevent
// memory leaks!
var cnt = 1
queue.tasks += {[weak queue] result, next in
println("task #3: try #\(cnt)")
if ++cnt > 3 {
} else {
queue!.retry(delay: 1)
// This task skips the next task in queue
// (no capture cycle here)
queue.tasks += ({
println("task #4: run")
println("task #4: will skip next task")
queue.tasks += {
println("task #5: run")
// This task removes all remaining tasks in the queue
// i.e. util when an operation fails and the rest of the queueud
// tasks don't make sense anymore
// NB: This does not remove the completions added
queue.tasks += {
println("task #6: run")
println("task #6: will append one more completion")
queue.run {
_ in println("completion: appended completion run")
println("task #6: will skip all remaining tasks")
queue.tasks += {
println("task #7: run")
// This either runs or resumes the queue
// If queue is running doesn't do anything
// This either runs or resumes the queue
// and adds the given closure to the lists of completions.
// You can add as many completions as you want (also half way)
// trough executing the queue.
queue.run {result in
println("====== completions ======")
println("initial completion: run")
Run the included demo app to see some of these examples above in action.
Author: Marin Todorov
TaskQueue is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
0.9.8: TaskQueue is now Swift 2.0
0.9.1: Bug fix
New in 0.9: TaskQueue
allows for concurrent tasks now via the maximumNumberOfActiveTasks
property. If it's one the class behaves as a serial queue, if greater then the class becomes a concurrent queue. Check numberOfActiveTasks
to see how many tasks run currently.
and pause()
are removed - use the paused property and the cancel() method instead.
NB: The completion blocks do not take a parameter anymore, use the lastResult
property if you need to check the result of the last task.
Added access restrictions and readonly properties.
New in 0.8.2: iOS8 beta 6 compatible, adding subqueues directly to tasks
New in 0.8: iOS8 beta 5 compatible, syntax remains unchanged but run(TaskQueueGDC, completion) is removed as it is redundant.
New in 0.7: GCD queue control - you can select on which GCD queue each of the tasks in the TaskQueue should run. Read about TaskQueue and GCD in the GCD section below.