elasticsearch-learning-to-rank Public
Forked from o19s/elasticsearch-learning-to-rankPlugin to integrate Learning to Rank (aka machine learning for better relevance) with Elasticsearch
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 30, 2022 -
ai-powered-search Public
Forked from treygrainger/ai-powered-searchWork in Progress for AI-Powered Search (Manning Publications)
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 21, 2022 -
search-MjoLniR Public
Forked from ansh103/search-MjoLniRGithub mirror - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_access for contributing)
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 20, 2021 -
pyltr Public
Forked from jma127/pyltrPython learning to rank (LTR) toolkit
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 16, 2021 -
LambdaMart Public
Forked from lezzago/LambdaMartPython implementation of LambdaMart
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 8, 2021 -
Multicore-TSNE Public
Forked from DmitryUlyanov/Multicore-TSNEParallel t-SNE implementation with Python and Torch wrappers.
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 7, 2020 -
FIt-SNE Public
Forked from KlugerLab/FIt-SNEFast Fourier Transform-accelerated Interpolation-based t-SNE (FIt-SNE)
C++ Other UpdatedJun 26, 2020 -
Unsupervised-Learning Public
Forked from muhammetbektas/Unsupervised-LearningJupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 18, 2020 -
Machine-Learning Public
Forked from groverpr/Machine-LearningNotes for machine learning
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 29, 2020 -
IPL-DATA-Analysis Public
here i found out the insights from IPL Data-set using Pandas,Numpy,Matplotlib
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 27, 2019 -
This is my first classification project in Machine Learning.Here i applied 6 classification algorithms on IRIS-DATA-SET to find out the which classification algorithm is better for IRIS data set an…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 27, 2019 -
Digit-Classifier Public
Here i have trained a model using Tensorflow premade estimators to Classify the digits(0-9)
Papers with code. Sorted by stars. Updated weekly.
UpdatedMar 20, 2019 -
imageatm Public
Forked from idealo/imageatmImage classification for everyone.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 18, 2019 -
tensorflow Public
Forked from tensorflow/tensorflowAn Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 12, 2019 -
DCGAN Public
Forked from iArunava/DCGANIn this repository, I reproduce the DCGAN paper using PyTorch
Jupyter Notebook BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 6, 2019 -
Face-Recognition-Login Public
Forked from Aminali104/Face-Recognition-LoginAs Business requirement of many company i.e Face Login System is a secure way to identify their user without any physical interaction, only the user need to login as a face recognition and they can…
HTML Other UpdatedMar 2, 2019 -
awesome-agriculture Public
Forked from brycejohnston/awesome-agricultureOpen source technology for agriculture, farming, and gardening
Other UpdatedFeb 26, 2019 -
mml-book.github.io Public
Forked from mml-book/mml-book.github.ioCompanion webpage to the book "Mathematics For Machine Learning"
UpdatedFeb 25, 2019 -
mlcourse.ai Public
Forked from Yorko/mlcourse.aiOpen Machine Learning Course
Python Other UpdatedFeb 25, 2019 -
introtodeeplearning_labs Public
Forked from MITDeepLearning/introtodeeplearningLab Materials for MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 20, 2019 -
deep-learning-drizzle Public
Forked from kmario23/deep-learning-drizzleDrench yourself in Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and NLP by learning from these exciting lectures!!
UpdatedFeb 19, 2019 -
MachineLearning-YouTube Public
Forked from machinelearning147/MachineLearning-YouTubeThis Repository Provides resources presented on Machine Learning YouTube Channel.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 17, 2019 -
pos_tag Public
Here i have find out the parts of speech for every word in sentence or corpus what we are giving as input.Here i have used Decision Tree classifier to train the model and downloaded annotated data-…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 13, 2019 -
100-Days-Of-ML-Code Public
Forked from Avik-Jain/100-Days-Of-ML-Code100 Days of ML Coding
MIT License UpdatedFeb 8, 2019 -
TensorFlow-Tutorials Public
Forked from Hvass-Labs/TensorFlow-TutorialsTensorFlow Tutorials with YouTube Videos
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedFeb 3, 2019 -
go Public
Forked from datasciencemasters/goThe Open Source Data Science Masters
The Unlicense UpdatedJan 23, 2019 -