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tracing is a scoped, structured logging and diagnostic system based on emitting Events in the context of potentially-nested Spans across asynchronous await points. These properties make tracing ideal for use with Google Cloud Operations Suite structured logging (formerly Stackdriver).

This crate provides a Layer for use with a tracing Registry that formats tracing Spans and Events into properly-structured JSON for consumption by Google Operations Logging through the jsonPayload field. This includes the following behaviors and enhancements:

  1. rfc3339-formatted timestamps for all Events
  2. severity (in LogSeverity format) derived from tracing Level
  3. target derived from the Event target Metadata
  4. Span name and custom fields included under a span key
  5. automatic nesting of http_request.-prefixed event fields
  6. automatic nesting of labels.-prefixed event fields, re-written as a special field.
  7. automatic re-writing of insert_ids as a special field.
  8. automatic camelCase-ing of all field keys (e.g. field_name -> fieldName, or -> fieldName)
  9. valuable support, including an HttpRequest helper struct
  10. Cloud Trace support derived from OpenTelemetry Span and Trace IDs.


Basic setup:

use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, Registry};

fn main() {
    let stackdriver = tracing_stackdriver::layer(); // writes to std::io::Stdout
    let subscriber = Registry::default().with(stackdriver);

    tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).expect("Could not set up global logger");

Custom write location:

use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, Registry};

fn main() {
    let make_writer = || std::io::Stderr;
    let stackdriver = tracing_stackdriver::layer().with_writer(make_writer); // writes to std::io::Stderr
    let subscriber = Registry::default().with(stackdriver);

    tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).expect("Could not set up global logger");

With httpRequest fields:

See all available fields here.

// requires working global setup (see above examples)

use hyper::Request;

fn handle_request(request: Request) {
    let method = &request.method();
    let uri = &request.uri();

      http_request.request_method = %method,
      http_request.request_url = %uri,
      "Request received"

    // jsonPayload formatted as:
    // {
    //   "time": "some-timestamp"
    //   "severity": "INFO",
    //   "httpRequest": {
    //     "requestMethod": "GET",
    //     "requestUrl": "/some/url/from/request"
    //    },
    //   "message": "Request received"
    // }

With labels fields:

A key/value map of stringified labels mapped to the special field. More information about labels can be found here.

// requires working global setup (see above examples)

fn main() {
      labels.thread_count = 3,
      labels.is_production = true,
      labels.note = "A short note",
      "Application starting"

    // jsonPayload formatted as:
    // {
    //   "time": "some-timestamp"
    //   "message": "Application starting",
    //   "": {
    //     "threadCount": "3",
    //     "isProduction": "true",
    //     "note": "A short note",
    //   }
    // }

With insert_id field:

A stringified insert_id mapped to the special field. More information about insertId can be found here. This is an optional field, as the Logging API assigns its own unique identifier to this field if insert_id is omitted.

// requires working global setup (see above examples)

fn main() {
      insert_id = 1234,
      "Application starting"

    // jsonPayload formatted as:
    // {
    //   "time": "some-timestamp"
    //   "message": "Application starting",
    //   "": "1234"
    // }

With more specific LogSeverity levels:

Google supports a slightly different set of severity levels than tracing. tracing levels are automatically mapped to LogSeverity levels, but you can customize the level beyond the intersection of tracing levels and LogSeverity levels by using the provided LogSeverity level with a severity key.

use tracing_stackdriver::LogSeverity;

fn main() {
    // requires working global setup (see above examples)

    tracing::info!(severity = %LogSeverity::Notice, "Application starting");

    // jsonPayload formatted as:
    // {
    //   "time": "some-timestamp"
    //   "severity": "NOTICE",
    //   "message": "Application starting"
    // }

With valuable support:

tracing_stackdriver supports deeply-nested structured logging through tracing's unstable valuable support. In addition, httpRequest fields can be generated with the HttpRequest helper struct exported from this library for better compile-time checking of fields.

To enable valuable support, use the valuable feature flag and compile your project with RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tracing_unstable".

// requires working global setup (see above examples)

use hyper::Request;
use tracing_stackdriver::HttpRequest;
use valuable::Valuable;

struct StructuredLog {
    service: &'static str,
    handler: &'static str

fn handle_request(request: Request) {
    let http_request = HttpRequest {
        request_method: request.method().into(),
        request_url: request.uri().into(),

    let structured_log = StructuredLog {
        service: "request_handlers",
        handler: "handle_request",

      http_request = http_request.as_value(),
      structured_log = structured_log.as_value(),
      "Request received"

    // jsonPayload formatted as:
    // {
    //   "time": "some-timestamp"
    //   "severity": "INFO",
    //   "httpRequest": {
    //     "requestMethod": "GET",
    //     "requestUrl": "/some/url/from/request"
    //    },
    //   "structuredLog": {
    //      "service": "request_handlers",
    //      "handler": "handle_request"
    //    },
    //   "message": "Request received"
    // }

With Cloud Trace support:

tracing_stackdriver supports integration with Cloud Trace and OpenTelemetry via tracing_opentelemetry and outputs special Cloud Trace LogEntry fields for trace sampling and log correlation.

To enable Cloud Trace support, you need to enable the opentelemetry feature flag and provide a CloudTraceConfiguration to the with_cloud_trace method of the layer.

use tracing_stackdriver::CloudTraceConfiguration;

fn main() {
    // You may want to configure the `tracing_opentelemetry` layer to suit your needs,
    // including the use of an additional tracer or exporter.
    // See `tracing_opentelemetry`'s doc for details.
    let opentelemetry = tracing_opentelemetry::layer();

    let stackdriver = tracing_stackdriver::layer()
        .with_cloud_trace(CloudTraceConfiguration { project_id: "my-project-id" });

    let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::Registry::default()

    // set up the root span to trigger Span/Trace ID generation
    let root = tracing::info_span!("root");
    let _root = root.enter();
    tracing::info!("Application starting");

    // jsonPayload formatted as:
    // {
    //   "time": "some-timestamp"
    //   "severity": "INFO",
    //   "message": "Application starting",
    //   "": "0000000000000000",
    //   "":"projects/my-project-id/traces/0679686673a"
    // }

With Source Locations:

By default, tracing_stackdriver includes the source location of tracing events in a special SourceLocation composite field on the emitted LogEntry. This behavior can be configured with the with_source_location method of the layer.

fn main() {
    // Source Locations are enabled by default, so they must be disabled by setting the configuration
    // to "false" using with_source_location()
    let stackdriver = tracing_stackdriver::layer().with_source_location(false);
    let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::Registry::default().with(stackdriver);
    tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).expect("Could not set up global logger");

    // tracing events from this point on will have their source location omitted


Stackdriver-compatible tracing Subscriber






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