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Tags: NLnetLabs/rpki-rs



Toggle v0.18.4's commit message
Release 0.18.4.

Bug fixes

* Correctly encode a CRL with empty revokedCertificates. ([#295])


Toggle v0.18.3's commit message
Release 0.18.3.


* Added `rrdp::NotificationFile::parse_limited` that allows parsing while
  limiting the length of the list of deltas. ([#293])


Toggle v0.18.2's commit message
Release 0.18.2.


* `Serial` can now be converted from and to `[u8; 20]`. ([#285])
* Added `uri::Https::eq_authority` and
  `rrdp::NotificationFile::has_matching_origin` to check for same origin
  rules in RRDP. ([#287])


Toggle v0.18.1's commit message
Release 0.18.1.

Bug fixes

* The RTR server now returns the expected protocol version in the version
  negotiation error message rather than the requested version. ([#280])
* The RTR server does not accept protocol version 2 for now to avoid
  sending illegal ASPA PDUs. This is a workaround until the final format
  of the PDU is specified. ([#281])
* Fixed protocol version negotiation in the RTR client. It will now error
  out if the server responds with a version greater than the requested one
  rather just accepting it. ([#282])


Toggle v0.18.0's commit message
Release 0.18.0

Breaking changes

* Upgraded _ring_ to 0.17 and _quick-xml_ to 0.31. ([#287])


Toggle v0.17.2's commit message
Release 0.17.2

Bug fixes

* Upgraded the dependency on _[bcder]_ to at least 0.7.3 to avoid a number
  of decoding issues described in CVE-2023-39914. ([#272])


Toggle v0.17.1's commit message
Release 0.17.1.

Released 2023-07-06.


* Added a new method `write_encoded_slice` to `util::base64::Slurm`.

Bug fixes

* Correctly rejects ASPA objects that have a version of 0. ([#270])


Toggle v0.17.0's commit message
Release 0.17.0

Breaking changes

* Dropped dependency on _routecore_ again and moved all used types into
  _rpki-rs_. The new module `resources` contains the AS and IP address
  resources. The BGPsec key identifier is now an actual type in
  `crypto::keys`. ([#261])
* Changed the implementation of ASPA objects to conform with version 15
  of the profile draft. ([#264], [#265])
* Changed the ASPA RTR PDU to not use the AFI flags any more and always
  set it to 0. ([#264])


* Made `rtr::server::NotifyReceiver` public. ([#259])
* Added an exclusion check to SLURM’s router key filters and provided
  type-specific check methods for the other types. ([#260])
* Added a new module `util::base64` that provides Base 64 encoding of data
  for various scenarios. ([#263])


Toggle v0.16.1's commit message
Release 0.16.1.


* Added implementations for the `arbitrary::Arbitrary` trait to ASN and IP
  resource types. ([#255])
* Added more strict checks to validation of ASPA objects in accordance
  with draft-ietf-sidrops-aspa-profile-12] ([#256])

Other changes

* Downgraded the minimum Rust version to 1.63. ([#257])


Toggle v0.16.0's commit message
Release 0.16.0.

Breaking changes

* The minimal supported Rust version is now 1.65.
* Changes the type of ASNs as arguments and return types in the `rtr::pdu`
  module to `Asn`. ([#250])
* Changes the RTR server traits to use a new `PayloadRef` type that allows
  a user to keep the various payload types separatedly. ([#252])


* Adds support for protocol version 2 of RTR. Specifically, adds support
  for ASPA PDUs and payload. ([#250], [#251], [#252])
* Added some useful methods to `AsBlocks`. ([#252])
* The CA repository URI of a CSR is now forced to end with a trailing
  slash. ([#253])

Bug fixes

* Fixes a bug in the RTR server where it would include router key PDUs
  even if the negotiated protocol version was 0. ([#250])