Merge pull request #14 from climbfuji/add_gfortran10_flags release/public-v1: add flags to compile with gfortran-10
This is gfsio_v1.1.0 alpha version. The changes include: -add precision option in gfsio writerec routines -degs/degf are removed -Current gfsio doesn't consider endianness. So it will write out little endian file header for gfsio file (data fields are in grib). byteswap is set up when writing out big endian output files on little endian machine. -bafrio.f is removed from gfsio lib. the latest bafrio.f in bacio lib will be used in users' applciations -unused compile flag is cleaned in makefile_4 -add make_wcoss.sh for compiling Above changes has been test with Moorthi's global_chgres.
gfsio_v1.0.1 tag. Renamed gfsio.1204.2012 tag to gfsio_v1.0.1. See nceplibs Trac Ticket #31.