##Step 2: SQL Queries(x40🔑)
In this exercise, you will learn the basics of the Structured query language (SQL) We're going to create tables, insert, edit, and remove data in a database.
Please make sure that you install the following before you begin:
You will also need basic knowledge of SQL.
You can watch this video here before starting this exercise. You may refer to this tutorial throughout this exercise.
You can also refer to w3schools tutorials here.
- Open DB Browser for SQLite, Press Open Database in top menu, and select the file named myDatabase in the repo
- For each of the questions below, write in answers.sh the query you used to solve the problem
Problem 0: Get all the data from the students table in the database.
Answer: select * from students
Inside answers.sh write: "select * from students"
In the Execute SQL tab, do the following:
- Get all the names of students in the database
- Get all the data of students above 30 years old
- Get the names of the females who are 30 years old
- Get the number of Points of Alex
- Add yourself as a new student (your name, your age...)
- Increase the points of Basma because she solved a new exercise
- Decrease the points of Alex because he's late today
- Remember to update answers.sh file
- Commit ("Basic Queries") 🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑
Layal graduated on 08/09/2018. Create a table graduates that includes:
- ID, Integer, Not Null, Primary key, Auto incerement
- Name, Text, Not Null, Unique
- Age, Integer
- Gender, Text
- Points, Integer
- Graduation, Text that will point to the date of the graduation
In the Execute SQL tab, do the following:
- Copy Layal's data from students to graduates
- Add the graduation date previously mentioned to Layal's record in graduates
- Remove Layal's record from students
- Commit ("Creating Table") 🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑
Now, open the database carDealership. You will find 2 tables:
- Companies
- ID
- Name of the company
- Date when the company was made
- Employees
- ID
- Name of the employee
- Role of the employee
- Company of the employee
In the Execute SQL tab, do the following:
- Produce a table that contains, for each employee, his/her name, company name, and company date.
- Find the name of employees that work in companies made before 2000.
- Find the name of company that has a graphic designer.
- Commit ("Joins") 🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑
Go back the myDatabase.
In the Execute SQL tab, do the following:
- Find the person with the highest number of points in students
- Find the average of points in students
- Find the number of students that have 500 points
- Find the names of students that contains 's'
- Find all students based on the decreasing order of their points
- commit ("Count & Filter") 🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑🔑
###Deliverables: Git repository with all the proper commits
##Step 3: Backup DB(x20🔑)
##Introduction Backing up a database is a critical practice in data management, serving as a safety net against various forms of data loss and corruption. Whether due to accidental deletions, hardware failures, or even malicious attacks, the absence of a backup can result in irreversible damage, operational downtime, and financial loss. Regular database backups ensure business continuity by enabling quick data recovery and minimal service interruption.
1. Open DB Browser
Open DB Browser for SQLite on your computer.
Load the Sample Database
Click on "Open Database" and select the sample SQLite database provided.
2.Backup Process
- Go to the File menu.
- Choose Export -> Database to SQL file.... A dialog box will appear. Select tables and objects to export.
- Create a backup folder for your DB
- Click 'Browse' and choose the folder previously created to save the backup file.
- Click 'Save' to create the backup.
3. Verify Backup
- Navigate to the folder where you saved the backup SQL file.
- Open it with a text editor to verify its contents.
- Commit and push the backup
4. Load the Backup SQL File
- Click on the folder icon or Open file to load the SQL backup file you previously created.
- Execute the SQL File
- Press the Run SQL button to execute the commands in the SQL file and restore the database.
5. Verify Restoration
- Go back to the Database Structure tab and inspect the tables and data.
###Deliverables: Updated Git repository containing the backup db you created